The Captain’s Palace
The Palace was built by the Scaliger between the XIII and the XIV century over Roman and Romanesque ruins. After being damaged, probably by an earthquake or a fire, it became the property of Francesco Mercanti from Verona. On 18th December 1473 his sons sold it to Alessandro Miniscalchi. The bill of sale, dating back to 1477, reveals that the building was already been reconstructed with a Venetian style and sumptuously decorated.
In 1618 the town of Verona, at the request of the Republic of Venice, bought the Palace which became the residence of the Capitain of the Lake. In that period, many refurbishment works were carried out.
On 20th March 1854 the Town of Verona rent it to the Town of Malcesine which became the only owner in 1897.
The Palace was declared National Monument in 1902.